Partful Transforms Sales Process and Boosts ROI with Shark Finesse Implementation

Before adopting Shark, Partful used Excel and PowerPoint for ROI calculations, facing challenges in speed, clarity, and tracking. Since implementing the Shark platform in 2022, the tool has streamlined their sales process, improved customer engagement, and significantly aided in closing deals.

Sales & Pre-Sales
Use Shark
Became Shark Users
United Kingdom
Company Type
Small Business
It is so easy to use and most of the values are simple to amend on the fly, the customers feel bought in to what we are trying to do and understand the 'Why' behind the process.
Daniel Horrocks
Director of Sales

About Partful

Partful provide digital solutions for aftermarket parts management. Their platform is designed to help businesses in the automotive, aerospace, and manufacturing industries manage and distribute parts catalogues, improve parts identification, and streamline the ordering process.

Partful aims to enhance the aftermarket experience for both businesses and their customers by providing a modern, efficient, and user-friendly platform for parts management.

Before Shark / The Challenge

Before adopting Shark, Partful relied on basic Excel spreadsheets to calculate ROI figures and presented them to customers using PowerPoint. This approach had several drawbacks including:

  1. Speed – They wanted to quickly respond to customers during ROI meetings discussing key financial information.
  2. Clarity - Excel made it challenging to clearly articulate key financial metrics, especially for customer champions or decision-makers without a financial background.
  3. Tracking - They struggled to keep track of key ROI metrics due to the vast number of Excel spreadsheets and presentations.

After discovering Shark’s user-friendly interface and its ability to manage and track all business cases within the platform, Partful decided to implement a program with Shark Finesse.

The Solution

In 2022, Partful started their Shark Finesse journey with their main users being within the pre-sales and sales teams. Getting started was relatively easy and now Shark has become an integral part of the sales process. The team now schedule virtual meetings where the champion and decision-makers attend, and Shark is used to present the business case. By doing this, Partful have found that their customers feel bought into what they are doing and understand the ‘why’ behind the process.

We spoke with one of their users, Daniel Horrocks, who discussed getting started with Shark:

It was simple and easy. Being honest, I had a slow start with the tool due to how busy I was, and I didn't really use it in anger within the sales process for the first few months. When I realised I was dropping a few deals I should be closing, I turned my attention back to Shark and started to use it for all Mid-Market and Enterprise deals.
The last deal I closed personally was £156k ARR, I put a huge part of this down to Shark. The actual Decision-Maker was with me when we presented the Shark output back to the board. He then went as far as using the export from Shark to input into his budget approval process. This actually saved him time trying to calculate the information himself.

<div class="blockquote-author">Daniel Horrocks, Sales Director at Partful.</div>

Meet the Expert

Daniel Horrocks
Director of Sales

What is your favourite Shark Feature?

There are probably 3: PDF Export button, Cost of do nothing, Payback period including the impact date.

What are the reasons you recommend Shark Finesse?

The cost makes it a no brainer for me, the UI is easy to understand and use.... from my perspective, you need just one deal to happen in a year to make it worth it, we've got 14 deals won which have Shark sessions in the platform, with an approximate value of ~£350/£380k ARR. Whilst you can't attribute them all just to Shark, it is obvious it has helped us a lot. One example where it turned a deal round was on a £30k ARR cold deal when we effectively got blocked from Finance & Commercial because of other project priorities, to which I challenged this back during a Google video meeting and asked – ‘Which projects are taking priority that have a better Payback period than 4.5 months?’ The deal signed 2 weeks later.

What we do

At Shark Finesse we have developed an enterprise-grade cloud application to help businesses standardise and simplify their value engagements across the entire customer journey.

Shark, a business value engagement platform used by 1000’s of customer-facing teams globally (e.g. pre-sales, sales, value teams, and customer success) is easy to use, intuitive and usable directly with the customer to negotiate the likely business returns from investing in a solution.

By adopting the Shark approach you will fundamentally transform conversations with new and existing customers, close more business, and differentiate from the competition.