You can now create your own benefit layouts to only include the exact benefits you require. The benefit layout design lets you create custom suites of benefits with custom titles and any number of benefits chosen from the available list.
Open the benefit layout designer from the summary screen or the benefits screen.
Create a new suite, give a name and add some benefits. Benefits can be added by selecting the + icon or dragging them into the suite. When using the plus icon you must have a suite selected and highlighted. You can do this by selecting the button at the bottom of each suite.
Rollover an in-use benefit for its options. These include duplicating it, deleting it and given it a sub heading.
You can also delete or duplicate a suite.
Benefit buttons and suites can be dragged to re-order.
If you make a mistake use the undo feature.
On some browsers the designer can be popped out into a separate browser window to have along side the benefit screen.