Financial Terms

Initial Lease Period


The initial minimum contractual period that a user of equipment and services provided under a lease is committed to under the lease agreement. Termination of leases inside this period carries penalties and is therefore very expensive.


Lease or Buy? - That depends upon your circumstances. Some suppliers claim that leases are more flexible - and that can be true. However, providers of finance and equipment need a minimum contractual commitment before supplying goods - this is the Initial Lease Period. The longer the period, the cheaper the rate, but the more expensive to terminate!

What we do

At Shark Finesse we have developed an enterprise-grade cloud application to help businesses standardise and simplify their value engagements across the entire customer journey.

Shark, a business value engagement platform used by 1000’s of customer-facing teams globally (e.g. pre-sales, sales, value teams, and customer success) is easy to use, intuitive and usable directly with the customer to negotiate the likely business returns from investing in a solution.

By adopting the Shark approach you will fundamentally transform conversations with new and existing customers, close more business, and differentiate from the competition.