Financial Terms

Profit and Loss Account


A historic record of the performance of a business listing all the gains/revenues/profits etc and deducting all the losses, costs and expenses to arrive at a 'net' Profit or Loss position for the historic period under review. It's a past summary of business performance detailing exactly how the net result was achieved.


A statement outlining the PAST achievement of a business. Its sole purpose is to explain as clearly as possible what the financial business performance was.

What we do

At Shark Finesse we have developed an enterprise-grade cloud application to help businesses standardise and simplify their value engagements across the entire customer journey.

Shark, a business value engagement platform used by 1000’s of customer-facing teams globally (e.g. pre-sales, sales, value teams, and customer success) is easy to use, intuitive and usable directly with the customer to negotiate the likely business returns from investing in a solution.

By adopting the Shark approach you will fundamentally transform conversations with new and existing customers, close more business, and differentiate from the competition.