Financial Terms

Return On Equity (ROE)


A simple percentage comparison between the profits generated by a business and the equity (or risk capital and shares) that the company needed to generate that profit. E.g. I have £1 Million shares in a business and make £100,000 profits per annum = 10% Return On Equity.


I make a £1 Million profit every year. This sounds good, but if I have issued £100 Million of shares to provide funds to deliver this amount then this return is not so good after all. This is because I have only returned 1% on the equity or shares used in the business to realise this profit.

What we do

At Shark Finesse we have developed an enterprise-grade cloud application to help businesses standardise and simplify their value engagements across the entire customer journey.

Shark, a business value engagement platform used by 1000’s of customer-facing teams globally (e.g. pre-sales, sales, value teams, and customer success) is easy to use, intuitive and usable directly with the customer to negotiate the likely business returns from investing in a solution.

By adopting the Shark approach you will fundamentally transform conversations with new and existing customers, close more business, and differentiate from the competition.